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Dr. Kevan Kruse, B.S., D.C. | President & treasurer - soil

Dr. Kevan Kruse is the owner of He is a licensed Chiropractor that has been serving the Brandon and Riverview Florida community since 1992.  He also has spent many years teaching Bible prophecy at many churches around Brandon Florida.

Dr. Kruse also writes articles on prophecy for All Pro Pastors International, and maintains a web site called Since 2017, Dr. Kruse has been working with SOIL Ministries in an advisory capacity, but has since felt the calling to become intimately involved in reaching the people of Honduras for Christ.

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Dan isbell | FOUNDER/executive dirECTOR

Dan is a graduate of Oral Roberts University. He sits on church/mission boards in: LeCeiba, Honduaras — Cruzadas del Evangelio de Honduras where he has served as Vice-President and President for the last 37 years.   Bradenton, Florida — Gospel Crusade International where he is currently on the Advisory Board. Brandon, Florida — SOIL (Serving Others In Love) where he serves as Vice- President.

Dan is the son of Missionary Jean Isbell (deceased). He has been an active part of the mission since his mother founded it in 1964. Dan has been the leading force behind Cruzadas del Evangelio de Honduras since 1991 after the death of his mother. He is excited to be a part of a new organization (SOIL) that aims to assist the people of Honduras and meet the Biblical mandate to be “fishers of men.”


John tailor | executive member

John has 58 years of testimonies to the wonderful provision of God...all without soliciting funds. He took on Hudson Taylor's plan, to make my need known only to God and wait for him to move whomever He would use to provide that need.  His reticence included not asking people for prayer for my need, since he was concerned that would be like a subtle way of asking them to contribute.

John studied for the ministry when he came to know Christ as personal Savior. If you are going into the ministry, it is important to get saved. It's important to get saved even if you are not going into the ministry, but, if you get genuinely saved you will find that you are in the ministry, no matter what your profession.

March 23, 2019 marked 58 years since he received Christ for true in a home prayer group. he started immediately as a "fisher of men" since those who gave me my first step were laymen who were also personal soul winners. Their example set me on the course of bringing people to Christ--individually as well as in church or campaign settings. 

he started on the streets of Lakeland, from there to other towns, the prisons in Polk County. Then he taught in a Spanish language Bible College in Miami. From there to the Bahamas for several years, Scotland for a number of years, back to the US where he was on staff at First A/G;  now Honduras where he first came nearly 45 years ago.

he also has served as evangelist/teacher in all continents except Australia and Antarctica.

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